Auto Parts & Auto Service for Parkersburg, WV
Auto Parts & Auto Service for Parkersburg, WV
Auto Parts & Auto Service for Parkersburg, WV

Auto Parts & Auto Service for Parkersburg,
WV, and Surrounding Area
Car and vehicle owners in the Parkersburg, WV, area in need of auto parts and auto repair service can rely on Eddie’s Auto Parts Company. Visit our shop for all of your vehicle service needs including repair, used parts, towing, maintenance service and much more. Eddie’s has a 14-acre salvage yard with late model vehicles. If you need a part for your vehicle we have it in our salvage yard. Our technicians can assist in finding the essential parts for your vehicle and also make sure it is operating properly. Whether you need a car part or service for a car, van or truck, Eddie’s can handle it all. Eddie’s also offers towing services. For more information about our auto part and auto repair service or to schedule an appointment, contact Eddie’s Auto Parts Company at (304) 422-6486.
Professional and Experienced Auto Services for a Great Price
Eddie’s Auto Parts Company specializes in used automobile parts and auto repair services. Since our business was established, we are proud to be a part of the community and providing excellent services to the residents who live there. The Parkersburg, WV, area can trust our shop for all their auto parts and repair services. Eddie’s automotive services are provided by our professional and experienced technicians. Our customers come from many different communities in West Virginia, and they take advantage of our competitive and reasonable prices. If you live in the area, great services and customer services is just a short drive away. At Eddie’s, our goal is to keep your car in its best condition or better.
Services From Eddie's Auto Parts Company:
• 14-acre salvage yard
• Used automotive parts
• Auto service and repair
• Towing services
• Storage Units